“Random” Flower

This morning I woke up feeling unusually overwhelmed and stressed out about the day’s busy schedule.

My task-oriented mind brushed it aside and I started my morning routine in preparation for a long day:

  • Read my devotional for the day.
  • Convince myself to get out of bed and take a shower.
  • Cut the sugar cane and grab a banana to go out and feed the bird.

On my way to the bird cage, I glanced over at the garden and a lone pink flower caught my eye. I stopped in my tracks, sugar cane and banana in hand, and wondered where this random flower came from.


Disclaimer: I’m not a photographer and just have a basic digital camera. This photo doesn’t do justice to the beauty that I witnessed this morning.

I walk this same path every morning and hadn’t noticed a flower growing. This garden is full of pineapples, sugar cane, and cherry tomatoes… not flowers. Plus, we’re in the middle of a drought (although it has rained a few days this week and did again last night). Perplexed, I carried on with my morning pet feeding duties. My mind was still drawn to this flower. There was something remarkable about it that kept capturing my eye. After feeding the dogs, I turned around again to marvel at the raindrops that decorated the pink flower petals. I stood there in awe, staring at the beauty that God planted in my path this morning.

I praised God for His provision in this dry and weary land.

I praised God for filling my weary body with His love and grace day after day.

I praised God for all of the beauty that He has made from ashes and brokenness in my life.

Today, this “random flower” was a bright picture from God reminding me [all throughout the day] to slow down and take in His goodness.  He makes beauty from ashes and His grace is sufficient for me.

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