POC (Pacific Orientation Course)

I have been in Madang for about 2 weeks participating in POC. Our days have been filled with cultural classes, Tok Pisin language lessons, hiking, swimming, building relationships, eating new foods, and sweating (it is very hot!). Here are some pictures of where I am…

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The dorm area.

The dorm area.

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Bed complete with mosquito net. Malaria prevention at its finest.

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Our room.

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Beautiful views galore!

Beautiful views galore!

Everything New

As I reflect upon the past year, I’m amazed at all of the newness God brought to my life. Becoming a new teacher / missionary. Living in a new country. Adapting to a new culture. Learning a new language. Eating new foods. Developing new relationships. Facing new challenges. I’ve been going through a season of newness and it isn’t stopping here.

As I begin this new year, I’m excited about the new things I’ll get to experience. More training at POC (Pacific Orientation Course). Developing more new relationships. Living in more new places in PNG. I’m even more excited about the new spiritual growth God is bringing to my life. God is bringing me through a season of deeper healing and intimacy with Christ.

To be completely honest, all the newness can be very chaotic and I simply long for something familiar. An email from my sister, a hug from a friend, my favorite foods, watching Frozen for the zillionth time, checking facebook to feel connected to people half way around the world. Really, the only truly familiar thing here is God. Only God can be with me all the time and love me unconditionally. Only God can satisfy my deepest needs and desires. What a blessing it is to have this opportunity to grow closer to Him, be held by Him, and rest in His presence. I look forward to the new growth He is fostering in me.

“I will give you a NEW heart and put a NEW spirit in you” Ezekiel 36:26

“If anyone is in Christ, he is a NEW creation; the old has gone, the NEW has come!” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Happy New Year!